I love Oven Roasted Vegetables and try to include these delicious and healthy addition in as many meals as possible in the week. In fact, I sometimes eat Oven Roasted Vegetables as a light meal; especially dinner.The best part about this dish is that there are a whole lot of vegetables that you could include and so I mix and match vegetables to get a different variation of Oven Roasted Vegetables and stave off boredom.
In a bowl, mix 1 tsp olive oil, 1/8 tsp pepper powder, and some salt.
Wash and dry 6 baby potatoes (~75 gms).
Cut the baby potatoes in half.
Toss the baby potatoes in the seasoned olive oil.
Place the coated baby potatoes on a baking tray.
Roast the potatoes in an oven at 200C (400F) for 5 to 7 minutes.
Adding All Other Vegetables (See Notes)
Peel and chop a medium-sized carrot (~75 gms) into 1/4" discs. I also cut the discs in half.
Peel and chop a medium-sized Zuccini (~150 gms) into 1/4" discs.
Cut the 3 to 4 baby corn (~75 gms) into 1/2" pieces.
To the bowl used earlier, add 1 tsp oil, 1/8 tsp pepper, and some salt.
Add the Zucchini, Baby Corn and Carrots, and toss the vegetables till they are well-coasted with oil.
After 5 to 7 minutes, when the potatoes have just started to brown, take the tray out of the oven and add all the other vegetables. Ensure that the vegetables are well-spread out on the tray to ensure even baking.
Return the tray to the oven and roast the vegetables for 10 to 15 minutes at 200C.
Keep checking on the vegetables to ensure they are not browning to rapidly.
After about 7 to 8 minutes, you may want to flip the vegetables over or them move them about in the baking tray to ensure even roasting.
When the vegetables are turning brown around the edges, take them out from the oven.
{Optional} Sprinkle 1/4 tsp Paprika Powder over the roasted vegetables.
Serve the roasted vegetables immediately.
Potatoes need more cooking time and so start roasting them first and then add other vegetables after about 5 to 7 minutes.
I peel and chop other vegetables as the potatoes are roasting. I do this because water-based vegetables such as Zucchini and Onion tend to become soggy if tossed in oil and salt and set aside.