This recipe is for Anand, my brother; and Abhi, my niece; both are Macaroni and Cheese freaks!
Many years ago, my mom worked for a year in Canada. She used this as an opportunity to broaden not only her horizons but also my brother’s and mine. One of the directions she pursued was international cuisine. She came back loaded with recipes and also some boxes of ready-to-cook meals. One of these was a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. That was then and this is now, and I am still hooked! After the first brush with out-of-the-box mac-n-cheese, we switched to making it from scratch. And as usual my mother used the opportunity to sneaking vegetable to make it a wholesome meal. This might not be the traditional Mac and Cheese but this is how we relish it at home.
This recipe needs a bit of multitasking. 🙂
- Elbow Macaroni – 3 Cups
- Carrot -1 Small
- French Beans – 12 to 15
- Peas – 1/4 Cup
- Potato – 1 Medium
- Onion – 1 Medium
- Grated Cheese – 1/2 Cup
- Milk – 2 Cups
- Refined Flour – 2 tsp
- Olive Oil – 2 tbsp
- Pepper Powder – 1/3 tsp
- Green Chillies – 2 (Optional)
- Salt – 2 tbsp + to Taste
Cooking the Vegetables
I cook the vegetables first as this is the least risky part.
- Peel and dice the carrot and potatoes into 1/2″ cubes.
- Peel and chop the onion into 1/2″ pieces.
- Chop the ends off the French beans and cut into 1/2″ pieces.
- In a wok, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil.
- Add the chopped potatoes, french beans and carrots.
- Fry for about 2 minutes.
- Add the chopped onion and slit green chillies.
- Fry for 2 minutes.
- Add the peas.
- Add about 1/4 cup water and cook covered till the vegetables are just cooked.
- Leave uncovered.
Cooking the Macaroni
I cook the macaroni and make the sauce in parallel.
- In a heavy-bottomed vessel, boil 2 litres of water.
- When the water starts to boil, add 2 tbsp salt and let it boil for about 2 minutes.
- Add the macaroni and cook uncovered while stirring every 2-3 minutes.
- After 6-8 minutes of adding the macaroni to the water, check if the macaroni is cooked.
- Using a colander, drain the water from the macaroni.
Making the Sauce
- In a large wok, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil.
- Add the refined flour and stir-fry for 3 minutes till the flour loses the raw edge.
- Add the milk and bring to a boil.
- Turn down the heat.
- Add the cheese and simmer till the cheese melts.
Putting It All Together
- Grind the pepper into a coarse powder.
- To the white sauce, add the cooked vegetables.
- Mix well and let simmer for about 3 minutes.
- Add the cooked, drained macaroni.
- With a light hand, mix well till the macaroni is covered with the sauce.
- Add the ground pepper and salt.
- Mix well.
- Serve warm!
- Be careful about the amount of salt you use because your cheese may have some too.
Yummy 🙂
It truly is! 🙂